Our 2024 donors


  • Pelco Component Technologies
  • Fuzzy Bunny Industries
  • Kathy Bice
  • Larry & Glenda Wetzel
  • Canterbury Stables
  • Canterbury Stables


  • Jim & Renee Joseph
  • Carlos Gavilondo


  • Mike & Rebecca Basla
  • Kristi Andersen
  • David Porter & Betsy Moore
  • Cindy Clark - RE/Max Masters
  • Jennifer Hooley
  • Linckalen House
  • Robert & Teresa Parke
  • Michael Palmer - Remlap Construction
  • Gordon & Stephanie Schutzendorf
  • Tracy McKinnon - MacKinnon Liquors


  • Heartstone Artisan Bakery
  • Limestone Creek Properties
  • Betsy Kennedy & David Vredenburgh
  • Barbara & Ted Bartlett
  • Geoffrey Navias
  • Linda Smith
  • Shawn McGuire
  • Jim Steinberg & Shere Abbott


  • Amy Rogge


  • Elaine Rubenstein

DONATE NOW to support the Art Trail


Geoffrey Navias - multimedia artist


Artist Statement

After working as a theater director for 35 years, I find myself delighting in working with my hands, making art which playfully explores our world. I find myself responding to the significant impact which climate change is starting to have, called to create work which explores the intersection of nature and city landscapes. My current work visually invites you to explore nature and cities from new perspectives. The art itself takes many forms, with the most recent work being a series of mobiles. Taking a que from nature and the repeating cycles of city life, the image is always changing while repeating cyclical patterns.

Artistic Process

My studio, Stone Quarry Hilltop Studio, is listed on the National Register of Historic Places. In the midst of this wonderful natural setting with years of sculptures interwoven with the trees, I start my process walking and looking. I have built out the studio so that it encompasses a wood shop and a painting and sculpture studio. Common materials I use include wood, clay, cloth, paint, paper mache', metal, and a range of heat sensitive plastics and foam.

©2024 Geoffrey Navias. All rights reserved. Duplication is not allowed without permission.



Contact us via email : arttrail@cacda.net

©2024 Cazenovia Area Community Development Association,
Matai House Studio (web design) and the individual artists